Boudica’s last battle – the possibilities compared

Introduction by Bob Trubshaw

Generations of schoolkids have been brought up on the fateful battle of Boadicea against the Roman army. Modern historians would prefer to spell her name Boudica – which means ‘Victoria’ in British Celtic languages – but they have little evidence to offer for the site of the fateful encounter. Nevertheless, a number of suggestions have been put forward. At the beginning of this year, as a result of helpful ‘intervention’ by Philip Heselton, I was approached by Broc Beag who had discovered little-known references to Boudica’s last battle being in north Wales. This is mostly nineteenth century antiquarian speculation and much of the ‘evidence’ relies on regarding bronze age burial mounds and Anglo-Saxon cross shafts as contemporary with the Roman invasion but, nevertheless, suggests that there is a deep-rooted local tradition for Boudica’s battle being in this vicinity.

Quite unknown to Broc Beag and myself, a Mercian Mysteries reader, Paul Parry, and a fellow resident of north Wales, Michael Griffiths, had also encountered this antiquarian material and undertaken their own research. Paul’s information is summarised after Broc Beag’s article.

To help me sort out the confusions and mis-identifications in the nineteenth century sources, I contacted two Mercian Mysteries readers who are resident in north Wales – Tristan Gray-Hulse (editor of Source magazine) and Charles Evans-Gunther (until recently editor of the scholarly Arthurian journal Dragon). Their replies also follow; I apologise if the necessary cross-referencing between articles makes this messy reading.

I have also included brief summaries of the arguments put forward for the battle being at Atherstone or even Kings Cross. At the end of all this no clear favorite emerges; this topic remains as enigmatic as when antiquarians first began to spin their fanciful speculations.

Did Boudica die in Flintshire? 18k text + 14k images | In search of Boudica at The Gop 4k text | Boudica and The Gop 5k text | Buddug in Flintshire 8k text | Boudica – the case for Atherstone and Kings Cross 4k text

Originally published in Mercian Mysteries No.25 November 1995.

Useful summary of Tacitus from Encyclopaedia Romana WWW site

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At the Edge / Bob Trubshaw /
Created April 1996; updated March 1999.

Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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