Affirmations Of The 13 Moons

  1. I honor the energy of BIRCH, for a new beginning. I am able to change myself as I so will it. So mote it be!
  2. I honor the energy of ROWAN for protection against darksome enchantment. I will not hobble myself with the chains of past failures. So mote it be!
  3. I honor the energy of ALDER, for the protection of my inner oracle. I will listen to The Voice of The Great Goddess within. So mote it be!
  4. I honor the energy of WILLOW, for the lunar rhythms within me as a woman. I will recognize and heed my own body’s cycles. So mote it be! (Man’s version: “I honor the energy of WILLOW, for the rhythms of passion that dwell within me as a man. I will recognize and heed my own body’s needs. So mote it be!)
  5. I honor the energy of ASH, the wytches wand. I will remember the axiom: “As Above, So Below” – and that I too, play a part in the larger scheme of things. I will link my inner and outer worlds. So mote it be!
  6. I honor the energy of HAWTHORN for cleansing and restraint. I will choose what I place within my body-temple, and empty myself and my life of all that violates my personal well-being. So mote it be!
  7. I honor the energy of OAK, the Doorway to The Mysteries. I will call upon the strength of The Horned One when I feel in need of protection. So mote it be!
  8. I honor the energy of HOLLY, spear of the warrior. I will not remain passive and victimized, but will choose to fight for my own freedom. So mote it be!
  9. I honor the energy of HAZEL, the tree of wisdom. I will heed my own inner intuitions, and will be wise and informed in my choices. So mote it be!
  10. I honor the energy of VINE, the tree of conviviality and celebration. I will love myself and will celebrate life, not seeing the choices I make as deprivations, but gifts. So mote it be!
  11. I honor the energy of IVY, the spiral to center. I will do all that I do because of my own inner desires. I will listen to myself, and will remain balanced and centered while I do this work. So mote it be!
  12. I honor the energy of REED, the tool of the hunt. I will take direct action when necessary to protect myself, including the “killing” of old patterns, friendships and associations which harm me. So mote it be!
  13. I honor the energy of ELDER which sees the end from the beginning. Throughout many lifetimes I have been here. I have the knowledge that I have changed myself again and again. I will start from where I am now, and continue to persist in my Path. I will succeed. So mote it be!


Source Unknown


Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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