Procedure for Removal of Lower Vibration Energies

Conscious   Astral  Projection,  requires  you  to  remove  the  “lower Vibration” or “Negative Energies” from your physical and  mental  self. Failure  to  do  this  will  no  doubtly  result  in  a  non-fulfulling experience.  Most of the time, unless you release these  energies,  you are not able to consciously project in the fullest capacity.

I  have  used  these  techniques,  and have had a very good response by their usage.  However, you must follow the steps completely.  If  there is any chance of fatigue, postpone this procedure until you have rested fully, and can function with a clear head…




A quite place to recline undisturbed, without the chance of fatigue..


    PROCEDURE 1: Relaxing the inner self…


  1. Do  not  cross your legs or wear tight fitting clothing that might cut off your circulation in any way.


  1. Relax you body and clear your mind from the conflicts of the day..


  1. Allow your mind’s eye to picture a special  place..this  can  be  a beach, medow, or other calm tranquil place of your choice.


  1. Imagine  that  it  is a clear day, the sun is warm, and there is a slight breeze blowing across your body.  You feel the breeze toss  your hair slightly…


       ** After you achieve a peaceful feeling, proceed to step 2 **


    PROCEDURE 2: Cleansing the inner self…


  1. Follow the steps in procedure 1 first…


  1. Imagine  that  your body is a glass container, what ever shape you desire… It is helpful at this point to just use your image.


  1. Allow your body to fill itself with a warm, orange colored liquid. There are several major negative energies to concentrate on, however we will use the most common at this point.


  1. It is important that you notice the feeling of the liquid, and that it is a pleasant feeling of warmth.


  1. Allow yourself to concentrate on the feelings of  ANGER,  JEALOUSY, HATE,  GREED,  LUST, and VANITY.  You must think of each negative force and release each one into the liquid slowly, one at a time.


  1. After you have released  the  lower  vibrations  into  the  liquid, notice in your minds eye…that the liquid has now thickened a bit.  It is changing colors from orange to a darker color.


  1. Allow  your  fingers  and  toes to become as a spicket…allow the liquid to ooze out from your container slowly.  You notice a feeling of tranquility after it is released.  Again, do this slowly and  note  the changes in yourself.


  1. Now that the liquid has completely dispursed.  Draw on the energies of the light from the sun to fill your glass container.  As you do this allow your container to take on the form of your physical body again.


  1. The energy from the suns white light is beginning to RADIATE!!  You must say this to yourself 3 times…”RADIATE” “RADIATE” “RADIATE”..


  1. You  begin  to  feel the white light fill your body with its pure energy.  All of the lower vibrations are gone, and you may now continue onward with your pre-astral plans…


I trust that your experience was a pleasurable one, and that  you  will pass along this document to someone that could benefit from its use. If you  find  that  it has helped you…why not leave me a note describing your feelings on the subject, on Astralite…


Until we meet again,

“The Wizard Ariel”

Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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