Zincum metallicum (Zinc)

by Anja Heij

The metal zinc is associated with the planet Uranus. According to medical astrology Uranus rules the potential of the nervous system, the rhythmic processes of the nervous system and the lower extremities. If these processes don’t work properly they can cause agitation, nervous excitement, restlessness, panic and irritation, a great mobility, spasms and cramps, stammering, rhythmic disorders in for instance the heart or nervous asthma.

The renowned Dutch naturopath Mellie Uyldert states “all restlessness body and soul, which is caused by an electric charge that is too high, can be calmed down by zinc.” And the homoeopath E.B. Nash teaches: “What iron is for the blood is zinc for the nerves.”

Homoeopathic Zincum-personalities are nervous and very sensitive. They show a great sensitivity to noise: conversations are experienced as great noise or tumult. Their eyes are over-sensitive to light. In first instance their nervous and cerebral system is in a state of over-stimulation. In that state we notice complaints like hyper-activity, irritation and restlessness. The restlessness in the lower extremities and the feet is striking; they must move them constantly. Well-known Zincum problems are tics, stammering, twitching and jerking, chorea and convulsions. One part of the body can be over-sensitive while the other part is numb. There can be automatic motions of hands and head. Children can cry out or shriek during sleep and roll the head from side to side. Or they roll their eyes or gnash the teeth.

The state of over-stimulation is followed by cerebral and nervous exhaustion. The memory and comprehension get weak. These people tend to repeat the question before answering it. There is a lot of weakness and trembling of the legs and the hands. Along the whole length of the spine there can be a burning feeling and they cannot bear any touch of the back. The body lacks the strength to produce sufficient exanthemata, menstruation, expectoration or urination. These people can only urinate while sitting bending backwards or in strange positions, for instance cross-legged. Suppressed eruptions often cause neurological problems (like nervous asthma or epilepsy developed after use of a zinc-containing salve to suppress a skineruption).

A cold forehead and a warm back of the head, rolling eyes or squint characterize Zincumheadaches.
Zincum-people often feel guilty for not achieving enough, what can work out in dreams and delusions of having committed a crime and being persecuted by the police or an enemy. Thinking about death brings calm and relief.

Drinking even the smallest quantity of wine results in many complaints or aggravates the symptoms. These people are very hungry around 11 o’clock in the morning. They feel better by ‘getting rid of things’ like sweat, urination and menstruation.

Article by Anja Heij

Author: Wendy K. Engela

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