Ferrum metallicum (Iron)

by Anja Heij

Ferrum, iron, is the metal of the planet Mars. Mars derives its red color from the large amounts of iron in the ground. In the human body the liver is the main storeroom of iron; a proper working liver is associated with courage and positivism. Our blood contains 70 % of our body-iron, transporting oxygen to the cells, thus providing us energy.

In astrology Mars symbolizes energy, strength, self-confidence, aggression, new beginnings, masculinity. According medical astrology Mars rules the blood, the muscles, the gall and the adrenaline.

The homoeopathic Ferrum-personality is tenacious and very positive; he has a strong willpower and is a man of action; he or she is made of iron.
They will defend themselves, their opinions and their choices. They are convinced that they are right. Opposition highly irritates these people; they can be quite dictatorial. Ferrums are honest and have a very sharp tongue.

They easily get obstinate and angry, but they can also be cheerful and laughing. Moods can change from glad to sad. They are very sensitive to noise; the sound of crackling of paper for instance can drive them crazy. An important characteristic is their positiveness; they won’t give up.

Even if the whole world tells them that they are on the wrong way, Ferrums will very tenacious persist in the direction they chose. The same thing goes for their opinions and philosophy.

The great problem for Ferrum-characters is that they lack the physical strength to actually carry out all their plans. They are tired and their muscles are weak. Physical exertion is accompanied by dizziness. They would like to lie down for a while. They suffer from anemia or complaints that very much look like anemia. Their face looks pale and gets flushes from exertion or excitement.

Ferrums have many blood circulation problems, like a high or a low blood pressure, palpitations, a headache because of congestion, a tendency to bleedings because of weak blood vessels, too much or too little menstruation. Long lasting loss of blood results in weakness. Other symptoms are a result of weakness of the muscular tissue, like weakness of the sexual organs and prolapse of the rectum, vagina or uterus.

Furthermore Ferrums can be depressed; also postnatal depression is possible. There can be loss of appetite or the digestion is insufficient.
The Indian homoeopath Dr. R. Shah has studied this remedy very well; he rightly states that use of Ferrum metallicum should be much more spread than it is nowadays, due to the more or less standard prescription of iron-pills to pregnant women, thus creating a predisposition for homoeopathic iron.

Ferrum-personalities feel worse during rest and great exertion. They feel better while walking slowly about, by calm occupations, and by warmth.

Article by Anja Heij
Copyright © 2001

Author: Wendy K. Engela

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