
by Anja Heij

Planet: Uranus
Sign: Aquarius

Uranus is the only planet with a divergent rotation axis; in astrology Uranus is connected with renewal, moderation, revolution, originality, progressivity. The god of heaven and cosmos Uranus granted man the divine flame (electricity, intuition, sudden insights) and the feeling for cosmic rhythms. In fact Uranus gave man cosmic consciousness, and in the realization of each and everyone having a divine core…freedom, equality and brotherhood were born. Aquarian people connect with like-minded people no matter their background or differences, and they are led by their intuition instead of outward authority. Aquarians are quick-witted with a lot of (electric) brain activity, like inventors, advanced technicians.

Medical astrology places the potential and the rhythmical processes of the nervous system under Uranus.
Zinc as metal was discovered in the same timeframe Uranus was discovered. Everyone (equality!) could buy objects of this material because of its low price.

Magickal use of zinc:
· Use zinc in rituals, spells and amulets promoting originality, relying on flashes of insight, renewal, inventions, advanced technics (computer, space-ships), cooperation within a like-minded group, humanism, freedom, moving out of stress.
· A zinc pendant or little zinc plate on a necklace – or a zinc supplement – can calm down a surplus of electricity. Possible symptoms are: nervous stress, restless legs, nervous asthma, hyperventilation, stammering, nervous heart complaints, epilepsy, cramps, agitation.
· For the same reason eat food with a lot of zinc, like whole grains, fish, meat, eggs, nuts and beans.
· Or drink water in which a piece of zinc has been laid for 6 to 24 hours.

Homeopathy works with the remedy Zincum metallicum.

Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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