Dr. Bach and his Philosophy

by Anja Heij

Dr. Edward Bach, (1886 – 1936) was a capable and famous physician, homeopath, immunologist and bacteriologist. He reached the conclusion that it is much more important to treat the mental and emotional attitude of a patient instead of his physical complaints, since one’s view of life leads to the origin of one’s disease.

He claimed that definite, complete healing came from within, from the Soul if we allowed her to shine through our personality with harmony. Dr. Bach states that every human being is here to go his own path, in complete freedom and in accordance to the messages of his soul, in order to develop his individuality and to work in freedom. We have to become free from the influences of our surroundings, the negative imprints from our past, the manipulation, possessiveness and false feelings of duty that others lay upon us. At the same time we have to be sure not to hinder the freedom of other persons, nothing to expect from them and to be prepared to help them. The foundation of the Universe is love. Life is a pleasant adventure to achieve knowledge and experience.


A person without inner conflicts is immune to diseases. There are two fundamental causes of illness:
1. A divorce between the path your inner being wants to lead and your actual life , also called disharmony between the personality and the soul.
2. The feeling of separateness between you and the Universe.

Once you understand that we all form one big Unity , you will understand that cruelty and negativity towards another person also affects yourself. Dr. Bach regarded it as his mission to develop a simple, natural method of medicine that everybody could use to restore his or her inner harmony.

He says that the Flower Remedies are not a panacea; he recommends first to look at the true causes of your ailments and treat them with the Flower Remedies and second consider taking treatment for the physical complaints , if possible with a natural method such as herbs, homeopathy, massage, etc.

Article by Anja Heij

Author: Wendy K. Engela

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