
by Anja Heij
Planet: Saturn
Sign: Capricorn
Day: Saturday

Saturn is the planet with the beautiful rings; this points at the organized and strict character of this planet-spirit. Saturn is the last (personal) planet that can be seen with the bare eye; for more distant planets we need a telescope (the transpersonal planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto); again this points at a boundary.

The Greek name for Saturn is Chronos, father time, the man with the scythe. Myths tell us that after death the soul is put on a scale, and of course the weights of the scale are made from lead, the metal that carries Saturn’s heaviness and seriousness.

Saturn’s sign Capricorn is the tenacious goat who will persistently and patiently move forward to reach great heights. In the body Saturn of course rules the skeleton, coldness, dryness and hardening (like arteriosclerosis, gall-stones) and depression.

Magickal use of lead:
• use lead in rituals, spells and amulets to promote contact with deep unconscious levels (the underworld), deep meditation, banishing negativity, breaking bad habits and addictions, protection, stability, grounding, solidity, perseverance, decisiveness, concentration, conservation, and material constructions (buildings, etc.)
Warning: do not wear lead directly on your skin, do not inhale it regularly (paint often contains lead!) and do NOT drink water that has been in contact with lead, for this metal is poisonous.
The homeopathic name of lead is Plumbum metallicum.

Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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