Happiness Is a Decision

by Anja Heij


Happiness is transpersonal divine joy and fulfillment in creating and connecting. It is the outbursting purity of the Universe.
In happiness one is opening up to the fullest for life, her gifts, possibilities and challenges. This implies that happiness is not a goal, but a road to travel on, an attitude and an approach.

Since happiness lies in your heart, the best way to connect with it is to live life in tune with yourself. A life of purpose, loving and giving, realizing your dreams and moving in your own pace, will probably make you happy. Happpiness lies in the enjoyment of what you are doing and in inner development.
Do you remember waking up as a young child – every newborn day being a feast to enjoy, to express yourself, play, learn, and discover something new? Remember the urge for action it brought about, your outbursts of energy, and the unhappiness you felt when you could not create what you wanted to or play with whom you wanted to? Your inner child knows how to find back your paradise of happiness.

Happiness wishes to expand, reach out and merge – it is an active part of the God-force.
Naturally it exists in various gradations, from contentment to the overwhelming, exalted moments of divine grace.
I’ve had cosmic orgasmic moments of superfluous love and joy, simply ranning into the sea and being filled with so much happiness that I feared my heart would literally burst and I would die. During these experiences the calm sea became an omnipresent friend with enormous loud, rhythmical waves and I thought everyone on the beach would be part of my little big bang. I repeated the first spontaneous occurrence by running into the sea the same way and expecting the whole thing to happen again, and it did so in a less intense version.
I remember a religious ritual in my childhood in which suddenly complete peace, fulfillment and happiness fell upon me and I thought that this for sure was Jesus. The weeks afterwards I repeated the feeling by acting the same way, namely opening up my heart and expecting with certainty that it would be there again – and so it did.

Happiness is not a treasure, hidden under the ground on some isolated island. You will not find it when you search for it. You won’t get it when you consider it a part of your future.
Happiness lies in living your life in agreement with yourself in the present moment. To receive happiness you’ll need to be ready for goodness, and dispose of enough self-worthiness to accept its superfluidity. How can it take place in a person doubting if he is okay? Therefore feel happy, act happy and be happy.
The intense moments of cosmic happiness seem to occur during spiritual exercise, contact with nature and in great love, when the world around you is temporarily forgotten.
Other degrees of happiness can be called forth by choosing a positive approach of life, in which the setbacks do not make you less being in love with life.
By nature happiness is too big for one person. If you abide in this great force you will automatically radiate and share it.
The only other expression of such intense completion and fulfillment I know is named peace.
Peace and happiness are a spiritual sister and brother.

Where peace is completion, perfection and stillness in the embrace of the Goddess, happiness seems to be the shining, radiating and active masculine component of the abundance of Heaven.
In peace you find totality in yourself-Yourself and in motionless being; in happiness you know this great love and joy is so big that you wish to pass it on to others. In peace you are Union; in happiness you wish to express this Union.
Peace is Divinity knowing itself; happiness is Divinity experiencing itself. Happiness is a candle lighting other candles, still burning with the same intensity. While peace is the mysterious smile, happiness is the cheerful laughter. Peace is God-force turned inwards; happiness is God-force moving outwards.

May you decide to worship the God and the Goddess with your peace and happiness.

Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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