Colors in Psychology

by Anja Heij


“Personality is a mask you believe in.”
Dr. White

If you wish to accomplish change through color then it makes sense to first take a look at your own reactions on colors. First choose your favorite color(s) from the color fields below, next pick out the color(s) you dislike from the second color fields, and finally analyze their meanings by reading the regarding text. If your favorite color is not mentioned below, simply consider of what components it exists  example: dark red, a combination


of red and black) and combine the meanings of the separate colors. Your preferences and aversions for colors usually change in accordance with phases in your life.


Another way of working with these colors is doing a divination. Make simple paper squares and write the names of the colors below on them, or color them appropriately. Turn them around and shuffle your little cards. Pick out three cards; the first one represents your path (the road your life takes now); the second card expresses your goal (what you wish to achieve); and the last one will reveal the reason (what are the deeper reasons behind your actions). Use the descriptions in the first color fields (the preferences) for the meanings.


This is a simple divination, but you’ll find out that it works pretty well.


A preference for certain colors can point at two things:
· self-expression (you choose the colors which match your personality; for instance green for a lover of harmony and nature)
· completion (you choose the colors you need more of; for instance an active, passionate person chooses blue colors to cool down his nature).


White points at innocence, purity, virginity, cleanliness, freshness, simplicity, nothingness, oneness and completion, truth. In certain cultures white is the color of death and mourning.


The color of the sun, life-force, vividity, vitality and energy. The color of cheerfulness, curiosity, alternation, flexibility, progress, amusement, contact through traveling and communication, learning and practical knowledge. A feeling for writing and speaking.


Orange represents the warmth of the fire. It brings even more energy than yellow, celebration and great abundance, comfort, enjoyment of the senses. Warm, sociable, dynamic and independent people who dedicate themselves to whatever they do.


Red is associated with passionate love, sex, great energy, impulse, action and stimulation, assertivity and aggression, courage, strength and power, adventure, danger, warnings, revolt and revolution. Temperamental and ambitious people with a need for personal freedom.


Much energy and activity focused on achieving power and self-realization. Strong but controlled passions and emotions. Daring, ready to fight, willing to give everything for a goal. Can drive things too far and have fixed ideas.


Regarded as a feminine color. Pink symbolizes softness, sweetness, innocence, youthfulness and tenderness. Soft and kind people.


Green brings peace, rest, hope, comfort and nurturing, calmness and harmony. Interest in nature, plants, fellowmen, children and animals, health and healing, natural and plain life. Longing for a safe home and family-life. A dislike of conflicts.


Just like the wide turquoise sea you don’t want to feel restricted and you don’t immediately bring to the surface what goes on in you; emotions can remain hidden. A color for non-triviality, renewal, innovation and inventions, progressive technics, alternative ways of living together, humanity.


A spacy color, cool and soothing, dreamy and magical. Peace and rest. Caution. For people who keep a certain distance, but give calm and practical help; they are faithful and loyal, have a sense for order, logic and rational thinking. Flying in day-dreaming, ideals or nostalgia when felt misunderstood. Dark blue is more severe and can be melancholic. Blue is also the color of truth – and of death.


Purple / violet
Colors for meditation, contemplation, mysticism, spirituality and religion power. A longing to ascend and dissolve polarities (purple consists of the active red and passive blue), to improve the world. Reservation, mystery and dignity. Soft, sensitive people with often paranormal abilities. Possible willingness to sacrifice him/herself. Melancholy and depressions, mourning.


An earthly color for practical people with a preference for natural, tribal and primitive things, solidity and simplicity. Brown can be warm and cosy but also depressing. Family-life persons, stable people, loyal friends.


Very neutral and indifferent, non-expressive. It can be deliberate, but also lifeless, fixed, depressed and apathic. Reserved, cool people; unwilling to expose themselves or to have obligations. Grey can be refined and tactful.


Symbolizes seriousness, darkness, depression, death, mourning, mystery, secrecy, occultism, a standing apart from or revolting against triviality, provocation, underground, underworld, things that have to remain hidden, nothingness as the great source of all creation, the need to keep your energy with you. Black is a color for extremes, everything and nothing. People who foremost trust themselves.


An aversion against certain colors gives information as well. Possible explanations are:


Is foremost or solely interested in ‘realistic’ and tangible things, not in illusions or things that are beyond seeing or understanding. Knows and accepts the own imperfection and does not wish to achieve perfection.


There can be emotional disappointment and bitterness about contacts. Tendency to rationalize feelings, or to avoid the depth of life by often changing relationships, many superficial relationships and/or constant changing activities.


Can point at suppressed sexual feelings or other difficulties with sensual enjoyment of life. The attitude can also be over-sensual, indulgent, or too materialistic.


Being over-active, too impulsive, hot-tempered, aggressive and egocentric, or having difficulties with people with such characteristics. It can also symbolize deeply hidden fears and rejection of your own assertivity


Feeling overwhelmed by people with strong convictions or heavy emotions like jealousy. Difficulties with exposing your deep emotions.


Difficulties with having or showing your soft, tender, female side.


More interested in independence and self-development than in a warm family-life. Keeping a certain distance in (sexual) relationships.


Looking for solidity and security in society, especially in marriage. Afraid to think originally or to walk new paths.


Very disciplined, strong career workers with an aversion of commentary or restriction. They have pointed out a clear direction for their lives and want to follow that laser like .


Very serious attitude towards life; it is difficult to give dreams, fantasies, vague fears or memories a place in it. Rejection of everything regarded as unnatural or unrealistic .


Aversion against normal, boring, trivial life. Not feeling connected with his roots (home-land, family, etc). Unstability in health and attitude. .


Prefers to be straight to the point, no time for political and tactical attitudes. Demands clarity, a knowing where one stands.


This often points at fear for the unknown, or fear for the abuse of power. Desires to become free from all kinds of dependency, blockages, hindrances; to throw off shackles. .


Article by Anja Heij

Author: Wendy K. Engela

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