Agaricus muscarius

by Anja Heij

The image of this remedy mostly resembles a delirium tremens or a situation that looks like one.

Agaricus especially fits persons who are mentally slow, confused and foolish. Mentally as well as physically these people are clumsy and awkward. They are very dizzy and feel drugged or intoxicated. The brains don’t seem to work and reactions come late. These people sleep very deeply. The face has a foolish or idiotic expression. From time to time they also have their active periods; activity is alternated with stupidity.

Trembling and spasms are a strong symptom in this remedy-image. The trembling and jerking can affect a small part of the body, but it can also cause moving and dancing of the whole body. There is twitching of the muscles in the face. Epilepsy is also possible.

The Agaricus-condition may arise in cases of alcohol intoxication or in persons who become delirious in fever or with pain. The symptoms can also be caused by spinal irritation. Agaricus-characters are dependent and indolent and have a weak will. They do whatever they consider to be the right thing; if that fails their whole world falls into pieces. An Agaricus-child will be late in learning how to walk and talk, and it will have jerks and spasms.

These people are extremely hypochondriac about their own health and the health of loved ones. They show a great fear of cancer and aids as well as a great fixation on death.

They are very chilly persons whose condition aggravates by cold air. They have a sensation of icy cold in their body, as if a thousand ice-cold needles stitch into their skin. On the other hand there can also be a sensation of very hot needles or a burning pain in body-parts. This proves that their nervous system is upset. The spine is very sensitive to touch. Agaricus is a good cure for chilblain of hands or feet, which itch and burn intolerably. The remedy namely relaxes the constantly cramped muscles in the veins.

Author: Wendy K. Engela

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