Iblis (The Devil)

Iblis comes from the Greek word diabolos, which means “devil.” Iblis is a Muslim counterpart of the Christian Satan. According tot he Koran, when God created Adam, he ordered the angels to bow down to the first man. All the angels bowed except Iblis. Iblis, made of fire, argued that he was better than the man, who was made of lowly clay, and refused to bow. As punishment for his rebellion, Allah (God) banned Iblis from paradise.

Seeking revenge, Iblis deceived the first woman, Hawwa, into eating the forbidden fruit. When Allah discovered what she had done, he cursed her with the pain of childbirth and cast her from paradise along with Adam. Although Iblis is counted among the angels, Muslims view him as a jinni or spiir that can take human form and influence human events.


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Author: Wendy K. Engela

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